Gillette, Wyo. — The Consumer Health Services Division of the Wyoming Department of Agriculture (WDA) conducts inspections of retail food establishments throughout Wyoming (where there is not a local health department who does inspections) to help ensure safety of Wyoming residents.
Campbell County establishments are inspected at least once a year by the WDA. All of these reports are made public and can be found on their website. It will only include the routine inspections and not the follow-up or other kinds of inspections.
According to WDA, establishments are either in or out of compliance with a non-critical (non-food related) or a critical violation (which can cause a food born illness).
Derek Grant, the Public Information Officer at WDA, explains that while they are looking for deficiencies, the organization’s “main goal is to educate the business.”
Their report is made to help the businesses understand unsafe practices and ways to correct them.
Grant says, “Any violation makes the business be out of compliance, but violations can be on different levels.” This means that not being in compliance does not necessarily mean that the business is unsafe.
Inspections are a “snapshot” in time and the violation are often corrected before the inspector leaves the facility. Dependent on the severity of the violation, the business will have any where between 10 to 45 days to correct it.
Any serious violations or notable quotes will be included in summary notes below, but the full report for each restaurant can be found at the WDA website, where they publish all of their current information.
From official report: “The facility had some expired OTC medicines. They were pulled at the time of the inspection and this was corrected on the spot.”
From official report: “Automatic paper towel dispenser was out of batteries at time of inspection. Staff had asked for batteries to be replaced and IIC spoke with Krista in regards to this as well; maintenance was requested to replace to batteries.”
From official report: “According to Wyoming Food Safety Rule Chapter 8 Section 23(a)(i); a plumbing system shall be repaired according to the International Plumbing Code and maintained in good repair. During today’s inspection the IIC observed the inlet fresh water fill line in need of repair before use. The fresh water fill hose was not being utilized during the event. Additionally, a plumbing leak was observed on plumbing associated with the preparation sink.”
From official report: “According to Wyoming Food Safety Rule Chapter 9 Section 29(a); chemical sanitizers and other chemical antimicrobials applied to food-contact surfaces shall meet the requirements specified in 40 CFR 180.940 Tolerance for use as food-contact surface sanitizing solutions and shall be correctly mixed During today’s inspection the IIC observed a chemical sanitizer solution mixed to a concentration in excess of the required range of 50-100 ppm. This was discussed with the PIC and corrective action was immediately taken.”
From official report: “Walk in drink cooler was observed to have what appeared to be an exploded drink on parts of the wall. Walls and ceiling shall be cleaned and maintained clean. A verification correction form was left with the facility. The correction form shall be mailed to the inspector by 8/15/2022.”
From official report: “There was no wiping cloth bucket set up for the kitchen. Valeria stated she is using a container of No-rinse sanitizer or Sanitizing wiping clothes. It was explained that a bucket of sanitizer shall be mixed up at all times the kitchen is in operation. A large tub of chlorine sanitizer is present in the back. She utilized that container and put some into a bucket for the kitchen area.”
From official report: “The facility did not have test strips for checking sanitizer strength. The facility shall make sure that they have test strips for the sanitizer strength that they use.”
From official report: “There was some build up in the ice machine. The facility shall make sure that the ice machine is properly cleaned and sanitized.”
From official report: “Owner was not able to demonstrate basic food safety knowledge. This was disucssed with owner. She stated that she would educate herself asap. Also, WDA / CHS food safety booklet was left with owner.”
From official report: “Proper date marking was not being done. This was discussed with owner and will be corrected.”
From official report: “Chicken observed cooling on counter in water, not fully submerged with no continuous water stream. Proper cooling processes were discussed with Allison.”
From official report: “The facility had a chest freezer located in the back of the store in a non-customer area. When inspector Moody asked about the meat products Ashley Shimic was unsure about the product origin. She stated that the product was for personal use. The produect was observed to be “Not For Sale”. Jerry Shimic arrived and stated that the meat was processed by Scott Ross…”
From official report: “The facility has an ice machine and ice scoop that were observed to be soiled. The facility shall make sure that the ice machine is drained and properly cleaned and sanitized. The facility shall make sure that the scoop is properly cleaned and sanitized.”
From official report: “Meat sauce was being thawed on the counter. This was discussed with the facility and proper thawing methods were discussed. Guidance documentation was left with the facility.”
From official report: “Two containers of sour cream were discarded during the inspection due to expired date marking and failure to date mark after opening commercial containing (mold was present).”
From official report: “Utensils for hot holding were observed stored in pan next to units. It was discussed that utensils shall be placed in hot hold units in between uses or washed/sanitized at appropriate times.”
From official report: “Bare hand contact with ready to eat food items was discussed with kitchen manager. Cook was seen handling and preparing ready to eat food for a salad and not preventing bare hand contact.”
From official report: “Dry goods have been placed into storage bins, but they are not rated food safe. Plastic codes approved for food use are 1,2,4 and 5. These will be replaced and checked at 3 month inspection.”
From official report: “The 1 make table (right side) was holding at 43 degrees F. Teddy corrected on the spot by adjusting the unit colder. The other on-line make table (left side) was verified at 33 degrees F. All other refrigeration was found satisfactory.”
From official report: “The facility shall make sure that they properly clean and sanitizer the non-food contact surfaces to include, but not be limited to: shelves, fronts/handles of cold holding units.”
From official report: “Cheese and ranch dressing removed from their original container and placed in food containers were not date marked. If PHF/TCS ready to eat foods are to be held over 24 hours, they must be date marked and discarded within 7 days.”
From official report: “The facility had a strainer in the handwashing sink at the time of the inspection. The facility removed it at the time of the inspection. The handwashing shall be used for handwashing only.”
From official report: “Employees were not minimizing bare hand contact during cooking and serving. This was discussed with employees and corrected during inspection. Disposable gloves were available.”
From official report: “No thermometer present at time of inspection in cold hold unit. Thermometer shall be placed in unit and monitored for proper holding temperatures. Cold holding unit shall maintain temperature below 41f.”
From official report: “bulk food containers for corn starch/ flower shall be labeled with the common name of the food.”
From official report: “The Facility has a sign that states “No Food Service. Facility Upgrade Underway! Sorry for the inconvenience. The Bear Folks”. When Inspector Sherry Warner and Inspector Ramona Moody arrived at the facility contact was made with Dave and Judy, the facility owners. The facility stated that they have not been using the kitchen for food service. They showed the CHS Inspector’s the kitchen and there were still walls that need to be repaired where the facility plans to install a 4-compartment sink…”
From official report: “Walk-in cooler was somewhat disorganized due to a reach-in cooler going down and extra foods having to be temporarily stored in the walk-in cooler. Ensure all foods are covered and protected from contamination from boxes, other foods, etc. Store foods by cooking temperature. This was corrected by Jess at the time of inspection.”
From official report: “Floors in the produce cooler needed cleaned. Old food, spilled juice and debris were found.”
From official report: “Sandwich case above 41f. Ambient temperature display of 50f. Product temperature ranged from 45f-51f. Product in cold holding unit required disposal due to unknown length of time in danger zone. Product will not be placed in cold hold unit until unit is holding below 41f.”
From official report: “Was surveillance conducted on meat/poultry? Were there any meat/poultry compliance violations found, including sampling, retaining product or disposal of product? If so, describe sarma was disposed of at time of inspection. Product contains pork and beef, approximately 10 pounds of product was disposed of.”
From official report: “Date marking Potentially hazardous food that will be held on site for more than 24 hours shall be properly date marked. Foods were disposed of at time of inspection.”
From official report: “Food storage in the refrigerator needed improvement and staff made these changes at the time of inspection. 1. Ground beef in a plastic package stored above lettuce and other RTE foods. As the ground beef thaws, it could drip and spill onto other foods. Always store foods by cooking temperatures and in food containers whenever possible to prevent drippage and contamination.”
From official report: “Dog dishes and dog bed were observed in kitchen and dry storage area. Pets are not allowed in licensed facility kitchen/prep areas. Dog items shall be relocated to an area away from kitchen and dogs not allowed to enter kitchen area.”
From official report: “According to Chapter 3 Section 23(a) Food shall be protected from contamination that may result from a factor or source not specified under Chapter 3, Sections 38 and 55. The IIC observed an employee rinse uncut potatoes in a preparation sink associated with the mechanical ware washing machine and then foil wrap the potatoes on the clean side of the mechanical ware washing machine.”
From official report: “Ventilation hood needs to be cleaned as grease was observed on exterior hood, piping and nozzles.”
From official report: “it was observed that the customer unisex restroom has a hand sink that is no longer cleanable. A build-up of hard water mineral has accumulated to a degree that it can not be scrubbed clean. The Wyoming Food Safety Rule, Chapter 8, section 18(b) states that plumbing fixtures must be cleanable. This sink is needing replaced. Due to the hard water from the municipality, I would like to recommend the porcelain sink be replaced with a stainless steel model. Correct within 2 weeks by August 9, 2022.”
From official report: “Bare hand contact is not prevented when handling or preparing ready to eat food items. This was discussed and they will be implementing tongs and glove use. Guidance documentation is also being provided.”
From official report: “The facility did not have items properly date marked at the time of this inspection. The facility shall make sure Date marking for ready to eat, PHF/TCS food prepared on-site or opened commercial container held for more than 24 hours is occurring. Inspector Moody and the facility had a discussion about this at the time of the inspection.”
From official report:“The prep cooler has an ambient temperature of 56 Degrees F. The milk in the cooler was at 56 Degrees F. The milk in the small black refrigerator was at 55 degrees F. The milk was voluntarily discarded. The other refrigerator will be used until both other refrigerator are keeping temperature. This needs to be corrected by 8/9/2022. They have been given extra time as I will be in a training next week.”
From official report: “The walk-in cooler had an ambient air temperature of 53F. I took an internal temperature of chili and of cut tomatoes and the product temperature was between 50-53F. I had the facility through out several items that included 20 lbs of lunch meats, 20 lbs of chicken wings, and 20 lbs of roast beef. All had temperature around 53F. The facility has contacted a refrigeration repair company to check the unit. The facility has other refrigeration units that they will be using to hold refrigerated items.”
From official report: “The facility food license expired on April 29, 2022. Multiple attempts via email have been made to the owner to submit payment for the license renewal (May 26, June 21 and July 27). Please do this as soon as possible. The facility cannot be in operation without a valid food license.”
From official report: “Raw chicken is being stored over top of cooked gyro meat, burger patties, and hot dogs. It was discussed that raw poultry shall be stored below all other item to prevent cross contamination. This was corrected at the time of inspection.”
From official report: “There is a large grease accumulation on the filters of the ventilation hood system. Exhaust ventilation hood systems in food preparation and warewashing areas including components such as hoods, fans, guards, and ducts shall be designed to prevent grease or condensation from draining or dripping onto food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-service and single-use articles. These filters need to be removed and properly cleaned to allow the system to function as designed.”
From official report: “According to Wyoming Food Safety Rule Chapter 7 Section 2(c) and 7 Section 15(a); The facility had food and debris on food contact surfaces leading to cross contamination. I observed dust on equipment and utensils in storage during the time of inspection. The Centers for Disease Control associates; dirty and/or contaminated utensils and equipment as one of the top five reasons for foodborne illness outbreaks.”
From official report: “According to Wyoming Food Safety Rule Chapter 7 Section 3(a)(b); nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment shall be cleaned at a frequency necessary to preclude accumulation of soil residues and shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. During today’s inspection the IIC observed light dust on non-food contact surfaces throughout the mobile unit.”
From official report: “Chubs of ground beef were observed thawing on the counter in cool water. I explained to Alicia that this must occur under cool running water at no more than 70F. She corrected this on the spot.”
From official report: “Packaged product stored in the walk-in meat cooler had raw poultry stored above whole muscle and ground meats. Poultry must be stored separately or below whole muscle and ground beef. Chicken was moved to receiving rack with other poultry products.”
From official report: “Packaged product stored in the walk-in meat cooler had raw poultry stored above whole muscle and ground meats. Poultry must be stored separately or below whole muscle and ground beef. Chicken was moved to receiving rack with other poultry products.
From official report: “Raw shrimp was being thawed out at room temperature. This was discussed with owner and corrected during inspection.”
From official report: “Timer used for boneless chicken in the fryer is not adequate to fully cook larger pieces of chicken. Smaller pieces are being cooked to proper temperatures in that same time frame. This was discussed and checking the larger pieces is critical to make necessary adjustments to cooking times. Chicken was put back down to cook longer and reached a final cooking temperature of 200.”
From official report: “Ranch in the small reach in cooler by the food prep area was temped at 51F at time of inspection. Ranch was disposed of during inspection.”
From official report: “Ranch in the small reach in cooler by the food prep area was temped at 51F at time of inspection. Ranch was disposed of during inspection.”
From official report: “There were no quat test strips on hand for monitoring sanitizer strength. John agreed to getting some quat test strips.”
From official report: “According to Wyoming Food Safety Rule Chapter 3 Section 51(a)(ii); potentially hazardous foods shall be maintained at 41ºF or less. The Centers for Disease Control associates improper hot and cold holding temperatures of potentially hazardous foods as one of the top five reasons for foodborne illness outbreaks. During today’s inspection the IIC observed that cole slaw was not being held at or below the required 41F.”
From official report: “According to Wyoming Food Safety Rule Chapter 3 Section 60(a); refrigerated, ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous food prepared and held in an establishment for more than 24 hours shall be clearly marked to indicate the date or day by which the food shall be consumed on the premises, sold, or discarded. The day of preparation shall be counted as Day 1. The facility had potentially hazardous foods without proper date marking.”
From official report: “Gloves are not being worn while handling ready to eat foods. Gloves are not present in the unit at the time of inspection. Gloves shall be obtained to prevent bare hand contact with ready to eat foods.”
From official report: “Two bottles of children’s over the counter medication were past the expiration date; GM discarded product during the inspection.”
From official report: “Sanitizer bucket is not measuring any sanitizer. Bucket was remade and shows around 200ppm quat sanitizer.”
From official report: “Facility needs to ensure all potentially hazardous foods prepared on site are date marked as required.”
From official report: “Pre-mixed quaternary ammonia (quat) sanitizer dispenser station was dispensing sanitizer at too high of a concentration and was measured 500+ ppm. Amanda diluted the solution until it measured approximately 300ppm. She dumped and refilled all sanitizer buckets as well. Violation was corrected on the spot.”
From official report: “According to Wyoming Food Safety Rule Chapter 6 Section 39(a)(b); nonfood-contact surfaces of equipment that are exposed to splash, spillage, or other food soiling or that require frequent cleaning shall be constructed of a corrosion-resistant, nonabsorbent, and smooth material. Nonfood-contact surfaces shall be free of unnecessary ledges, projections, and crevices, and designed and constructed to allow easy cleaning and to facilitate maintenance. During today’s inspection the IIC observed the establishment drying and storing clean wares on absorbent towels. This was discussed with the PIC.”
From official report: “The facility had an air fryer in the main kitchen that in not intended for commercial use. Inspector Moody and the facility had a conversation about approved equipment at the time of the inspection and the facility removed the equipment from the kitchen at the time of the inspection.”
From official report: “The following non-food contact surfaces are in need of cleaning: 1. The downstairs floor needs swept and mopped including the standing water where ice has melted and the syrups that have leaked from soda pop boxes. 2. Keep the back room floor mopped and dried. 3. The walk-in cooler floor needs swept and mopped. 4. The freezer needs swept of debris on the floor. 5. Place boxes received from today’s truck on shelving (in basement & walk-in freezer). Correct all of the above items by closing time tonight.”
From official report: “The facility has a cold holding unit located out front for self service. It was observed to be holding items at 43F at the time of the inspection. Inspector Moody checked both Thermapen thermometers and both were reading 32F in ice water at the time of the inspection. The facility contacted maintenance at the time of the inspection and the unit was turned down. Inspector Moody checked the cold holding unit and it was observed to be below 40F at the close of the inspection.”